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In these sessions you will continue to enjoy the warm up and strengthening exercises + learning a new form which has been designed in China very recently. The aim of this new form is that practitioners can easily practice it in a small space, perfect for online sessions.

This will be a weekly session.


You can buy tickets up to 4 weeks ahead. Dates will be added continuously.


Prices are per household; you will need to download the ZOOM software or app to be able to join our sessions. It’s really easy to do!


The link to the meeting will be sent to you after you've purchased your ticket. Usually the morning before the session.


The link open 15 mins before the class starts so that you can get your screen ready to start at 12 pm.


Please get in touch if you need any IT support.

Monday 12pm Tai Chi Class Online

  • There will be no physical tickets delivered. There's no need to pay for postage. 

    Email with log in information will be sent to your PayPal registered e-mail address. 

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